Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Two for Tuesday

I finished up my Vanquisher last week and decided to show him off. Originally, I got the Vanquisher in a trade several months ago and it had a less than stellar paint job. It needed to be stripped and re-painted as you can tell by the picture. After stripping the paint, his morning star chain snapped off so I had to order another right arm. Here is a picture of the model when I first got him.

He's now finished and I'm thinking about getting another one. I really like the first generation Menoth heavy jacks. For me, the side angle is where the real coolness comes in. Here's the end result and ironically enough, the hill/mound he is sitting on got a make over as well. If you can call it a hill.

I'm quite pleased with the end result and if I do get another one, I'm going to try and reverse the color scheme.

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