Sunday, February 21, 2010

Resurgence Recap w/ Pics

Well, my first tournament in two years was an absolute blast. In total they were sixteen players that should up to play with people coming from Richmond, Woodbridge, and the SoMD Baythralls. We followed all the Resurgence rules and played 25, 35, and 50 point games through four rounds. You can check out my tournament list here.

I won the Protectorate coin by being the de-facto player and ended the day at 1-3. My list was built on a grind it out game and lacked the necessary speed to contest the control zones. It would've been a good idea if read up on the scenario rules to understand the scoring more. Not that it was all that complicated, I just found myself going for the caster kill instead, something I wasn't planning on doing. I guess old habits kick in.

Round 1 - My first game was against Dave from Richmond. Him and his friend John came up and were really cool guys. We got the chance to talk before hand about playing and what caster we're taking then we got matched up to play. Here's Dave's list.

Iron Lich Asphyxious
*Deathripper x2
Mechanicthralls - max
Brute Thrall x 1
Machine Wraith x 2

This was my first time playing against the Iron Lich and really Cryx for the that matter. Dave went for the assassination run against the High Reclaimer and didn't realize he was camping nine focus. He still did some considerable damage but left himself open for the High Reclaimer's feat. I feated and brought back some Cleansers and they incinerated the Iron Lich. I won via caster kill but only managed to get one control point to his three.

Round 2 - This game was against Fred and the Iron Lich, surprise surprise. This was rather funny because Darren played against Fred the first round and then played against Dave, my first round opponent. We both got to face off against the Iron Lich two times in a row and oddly enough, we split the games.

Iron Lich Asphyxious
*Deathripper x 2
*Nightwretch x2
Mechthralls - max
Soul Hunters - max

Fred went for the caster kill in the second round but ended up running his arcnode out of his control area and had to settle for a contested control zone. The game was a real grind with him winning via scenario 7-3. The lack of pathfinder devastated me and it didn't help that my Cleansers were fleeing for most of the game. This was the only game where I didn't get any damage onto the opposing caster.

Round 3 - After lunch we came back fresh, ready for the final two fifty point rounds. This time around it was against Chris and his Khador army lead by Sorscha.

*Beast 09
Drakhun w/ dismout
IFP max w/ UA
Widowmaker Marksmen
Manhunter x 2

This game reminded me how devastating Sorscha's feat can be. By the end of his second turn, over half my army was wiped out. He had a chance to disrupt the High Reclaimer who was stationary and sitting on ten plus soul tokens but rolled snake eyes with Eiryss. Doh!!! I ended up doing minimal damage to Sorscha and he ended the game with a caster kill by a Manhunter. Really this game wasn't even close, and I didn't even get a control point. Hats off to Chris, he really played his army well.

Round 4 - This game was against John from Richmond. He had a fantastic merc army led by Durgen. It ended up being the longest game in the tourney but it was a real slugfest.

Durgen Madhammer
*Blaster x2
*Bokur - client to Thor
Boomhowler - max
Steelhead Cavalry - max
Sea Dog Deck Gun x2
Herne & Jonne

There's so much that went on in this game, it's hard remembering all the details. His feat turn was pretty nasty, I do know that. I tried going for the caster kill with my Cleansers again. For some reason, I thought Durgen's armor was a lot lower than it was. My incinerate did decent damage but it left that lovely cloud effect. This ended up killing my resurrected Cassius (Rhoven's Honour Guard) when he charged in to finish him off. Whoops! He then shot the High Reclaimer to pieces who was sitting at base defense and arm. . It was the best game of the day for both of us and a nice way to finish off the event.

Darren ended up winning the Retribution coin by going 2-2 and having more control points than the other Retribution player with the same record. Unfortunately, Jeremy lost all three matches but won a blister for being the best sport or should I say, best loser. :)

From left to right, Darren, Jeremy, and me with the goofy face.


Barrett said...

So from the looks of it, I could've picked up the Cygnar coin by default as well, perhaps? Wasn't anyone representing the golden swan?!?
Looking at who you played against made me realize how inexperienced I am against anyone other than Menoth and pirates.

bluecardinal said...

There were four Cygnar players I think. One Kara Sloan, two Siege, and Jeremy with Haley. It would've been a tough go around with them. I think one of the Siege players went 3-1 and the Kara player did the same.

Jeremy could've won his last game but went for the caster kill with his Journeyman but whiffed his attack roll.

It was a great turnout and the game store was something to behold. They had stuff in stock, gaming tables, and a regular gaming crowd.