Here are some of the highlights of the match.
Round One
I won the starting roll and elected to go first. All the Protectorate jacks ran, Severius casts Eye of Menoth and Defender's Ward on the Guardian.
Ironclad runs up, Charger runs to a hill, and the Defender runs up. Seige walks up and casts some AOE spell that made rough terrain in front of the Iron Clad.
Round Two
Severius upkeeps Eye of Menoth, Defender's Ward. Allocates two focus to the Repenter, and Vanquisher, and the Guardian runs for 1. The Vanquisher moves up and shoots the Ironclad, Repenter moves up and shoots the Charger, taking out his right arm. Severius runs for cover, next to a nice cozy house.
Seige gives 1 focus to the Defender, 3 to the Ironclad, and two to the Charger. He moves up and feats, hoping to catch Severius in his control area. He comes up a couple inches short! The Ironclad charges the Vanquisher and is dice plus eight on the damage roll. Ouch!!! He hits, takes out the cortex, and right arm. The Defender moves up to block a charge lane to Seige and takes a shot at the Guardian. He needed a 5 to hit with Defenders Ward, and duffed the attack roll, getting a three on two dice. The Charger did some bad damage to the Repenter, taking out his left arm.
Round Three
Severius upkeeps Eye of Menoth and drops Defender's Ward, a mistake that will come back to haunt me. The Guardian and Repenter both get three focus and the Vanquisher wiffs his attack on the Ironclad. The Repenter charges Seige, boosts his attack, hits and does seven damage. I buy another attack, needing seven to hit and miss. The Guardian charges the Defender and does some pretty hefty damage, taking out his left arm and cortex. Severius sits still and feats, camping one focus.
Seige has no focus and hits the Repenter for some pretty good damage. The Charger shoots into melee and with his aiming bonus, he offsets the penalty by two and succeeds with the attack. He almost takes out the Repenter, leaving two boxes empty, one right arm and one cortex. Lucky me :) The Ironclad then destroys the Vanquisher with his two attacks.
Round Four
Upkeep Eye of Menoth, give three focus to the Repenter and three to the Guardian. I decided to boost my hit on Seige, hit, and boost the damage roll. The damage was pretty significant and Seige was left with three life. The Guardian layed into the Defender and with his last roll, critically pitched him towards Seige. The deviation went right towards the warcaster but I only rolled a 1 for distance, coming up short an inch. Subsequently, the Defender was destroyed with the attack. Doh. Barrett and I wonder how the rules played on thi and decided he would get thrown, land, and then destroyed.
Seige gave three focus to the Ironclad and kept the rest for himself. He finished off the Repenter with one hit and the Ironclad came close to finishing off the Guardian. Leaving him with one movement box and two cortex boxes. Both arms critically disabled.
My Repenter's damage grid right before the fourth round.
Round Five
I upkeep Eye of Menoth and gave three focus to the Guardian. The Guardian boost the hit on the Ironclad, hit, boosted the damage and did minimal damage. I bought a second attack and it missed with only one die. Severius walks up to cast immolation at Seige and comes up short. I desperately missed my Heirophant as I would've had an extra two inches on my spells. I decided to try and do some more damage on the Ironclad but it was a wasted effort. By this time the game was over.
Seige gave three focus to the Charger, Charger stands still and blasts the old man with his two shots, doing 14 damage to him. Seige then shoots the old man dead. Game over.
After thoughts
It was a fun game and reminded of my early days of just starting out, playing a lot of mangled metal. My placement on the Guardian was rather lackluster and it should've been in the middle of the field. It would've survived a lot better if I kept Defender's Ward on it.
In related news, our MK II cards came in and we can say good bye to the PDFs. The cards are fine by my standards and I don't see any need for complaining. I finished up my full unit of TFG and UA and hope to post them soon, along with my Vassal.
Don't forget that I Tremored on Severius the last round with the IC before I shot you up. I don't think it made much of a difference, but that Tremor is a pretty sweet *attack.
Also, I think I cast Siege's rough terrain spell wrong. It is an offensive POW 13 spell (and therefore requires a target) that stays in play as rough terrain. Since I didn't target anyone, I shouldn't have been able to use it.
Yeah, I forgot about the good ole Tremor attack by the Ironclad. I don't think it would've matter. It's not like the old man is hard to hit.
I can't wait to start our escalation campaign. I was hoping to get everything painted and I should have Feora primed before the weekend. I'm hoping she's not too hard to paint...
Hi there :)
Great write up!
Can I ask what program you use to print those damage grids and stats?
Hey Lofty, Privateer released the final MK II stats in a PDF last year around September. They did it as a nice gesture to the community to let them us know what all changed.
I do believe they took the PDF down since the MK II 2010 cards are out now. Believe me, I prefer the cards over the PDF any day, now matter what the new cards look like. It was a hassle trying to sort through the whole bunch.
Funny enough, after this game last Saturday, our new cards arrived!
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