Monday, August 17, 2009

Demo Game Board Take 3

Well, I'm almost finished the board. All I have left is to do is tidey up the road a bit and make it a little more authentic. I'm also going to take a staple gun to the extra felt on the sides and secure it into the wooden base. This should help the felt from coming up on the edges which is easy to do with a simple pull. I don't want this project going to waste with a simple error in transporting it and a side gets snagged and then the felt pops up.

Here's the board after I flocked it with some Woodlands green turf and earth. I tried to cover up all the bright green and make it look a little more real.

It should be officially finished by week's end but for now it'll do.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Demo Game Board Take 2

I managed to get a lot of work done on my demo game board today and it's almost finished. The big rocks were pretty easy to do but painting felt is another story. Needless to say, it didn't go exactly as planned.

In looking back, I should've flocked the table with some Woodland Scenics green turf before I started painting the rocks and then painted the big stuff. Anyways, here's some WIP shots of the gaming table after today's work.

This is the table after I sprayed black primer on the rocks and put down some brown paint around them. I also glued down some rocks on the road to make it a little more authentic. The rocks are kitty litter if anyone wants to know.

Here's the table after I applied a base coat of grey with a tint of blue onto the big rocks and cliff. The rocks were pretty straight forward. I took some info out of a No Quarter mag to help the process go smoother.

This is the rocks after one layer of drybrushing. In hindsight, I don't know if I would've add a cold grey wash onto them. They were looking great and then I tried to get fancy. Oh well.

Here's the rocks after I added a coat of cold grey and then a wash of devlan mud (I love this stuff) and a little green wash to the big rock. You can see the green in the bottom left hand side of it. I'm not sure If I like this or not. The road also got its first base coat and I tried painting some of the felt a darker green. You can kind of see it in the outline of the board.

Here's a first person shot of the road and its layout. Notice the arch in the big rock... That's pine bark for you.
Finally, this is the current state of the board. It's coming along nicely and I hope to have some green turf put down on it by the end of tomorrow. I'm mainly going to flock the bright green parts and leave the brownish areas alone. It'll add to the scorched look of a battleground.

One more day and couting, here's hoping I can finish it...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Demo Game Table

Two post in two days, amazing right? It's been a slow summer for me and painting miniatures, so I decided to spark my interest in making a table. Barret is doing one and it got me motivated to try one as well. Before I try my hands at a full size gaming board, I decided to try and make a demo board. Something you could play a quick mangled metal/tooth and claw game on. The original idea spawned from this thread at the PP boards.

My board won't be as in depth or as good looking as that one but I hope it will have good playability and decent aeshtetics. I bought a 2x2 board at Lowes and got some small pieces of trim for the boarder and foam for the center. Barrett pretty much made the board himself a couple of weeks ago with me rooting him on the whole time.

Here's the board after the felt had been glued on, notice the small hill in the top left corner. Barrett made that too.

Here's the board after I made the road and glued down the cliff and a big rock. I was trying to seat the rock in the ground at a angle. It looks a lot better in person and it should give some decent cover. The cliff on the other hand, might be a little too steep but it's nothing a dice won't be able to fix.

Finally, here's a couple of pictures after I glued down the final two large boulders to provide
cover for both sides. The rocks are pieces of pine bark and should look a lot better after I paint them.

I plan on painting it and flocking it in the next couple of days and should have it almost completed by Saturday. Here's hoping that comes true.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

They Have a Pulse!

Just to let our readers know that we haven't died, I'm gonna post on two things here, in a minute. Before that, I'll let everyone (all none of you) know where we're at. My table has sat in my shed for the past three weeks. I haven't done a thing to it. All it really needs at this stage is paint. I'll partially blame in on the stinkin' heat and bit of thunderstorms we've been having, but only partially. I have been painting a little bit and have only a couple more hours to put into my Lancer. I also recently picked up a Defender and two Chargers from Bartertown (Clayton @ Adventures in WM) and have prepped them for priming after de-painting them. Two weekends ago, I helped Phill out with a 2'x2' table for Mangled Metal games. We made a lot of progress on it and Phill is finishing up the painting on it. So we are still active. We've only been able to play every three weeks or so, and that is kinda sad, but we're still playing.

First thing: The Podthralls, after four years and 200 episodes, have quit. They cite MkII and family life changes as their reasons. I understand. They've had a long, great run and it would be painful to have to adjust their episodes to do a top-five MkII feats or detail the Skarre-bomb in MkII. And a Monday night commitment every week for four years is huge. So I'm glad they'll be able to spend more time with their families. As supportive as I am of their decision, I'm going to miss them. I've been catching up on the past episodes over the past year since I began listening and just finished. Between the games Phill and I infrequently play, the Podthralls kept my mind in the game in the meantime. When I couldn't play, I could listen. And I passed a LOT of time at work pretending I was playing instead.

So their presence will be missed. So far, I've listened to an episode of Boosted Damage and Focus and Fury, but both left me unsatisfied, for one reason or another. The other two, Iron Agenda and Guts-n-Gears, are a lot farther into their shows. At this point, I'll probably just start listening to THAC0. Yes, I'm that pathetic.

Second thing: Privateer Press has a "Secret" announcement for Warmachine on Friday, at Gencon. A lot of pixels have been spilled over what this is, and I'm more prone to thinking it is either a video game, novel, or a movie. What I'd love to see, however, is an early release of MkII. I'm tired of waiting for it and I'd love to see that production finished sooner than they thought it would. Phill and I haven't played a MkI game since the rules and cards released. We never had a desire. We've had a great time with MkII and we'd love to get on with it. If nothing else though, I'd like sneak-previews of the promised MkII jacks for each faction. So, not much for wild-speculation, just my thoughts on what I'd like to see.

I'm still looking forward to Grind...